Welcome to The Tribute Show Blog where you can find all the gossip and information on what's happening behind the scenes with the day to day running of the band. Boring stuff? Yes! But it's what keeps the band on the road and someones got to do it so it may as well be me. The Tribute Show - Award winning Tribute Bands

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Humble Beginnings

Well....The band originally formed in 1992 as a modest covers band called 'Spice'. Then the 'Spice Girls' arrived on the scene and ruined it all and we wanted nothing to do with them! (riff raff). Being serious, it was alway the bands ambition to become one of the larger showgroups of the time so changed the name to Infantasia. A bit weird I know, but there was certainly no one around like us. (weird that is!) Bands we admired back then such as Barry Walkers, Smackee are still around today who had won the Club Mirror Showgroup of the year and led the way. Little did we know that several years later we would also win an award from the prestigeous Club Mirror Magazine. Basically bands like Smackee showed me what could be achieved as a business and I admired them from a distance.
The band made progress through the ranks and eventually found a management deal from an entertainment agency. Although this period of the band was relatively successful, in hindsight it was the wrong type of work. Although it kept the band busy and revenue coming in there was only one fat cat making any money. Although this entertainment agent gave himeself the title of 'The Manager' of the band he didn't really manage anything apart from take the booking. Ooh and the commission. Inevitably, after ten years we eventually  terminated the management deal and now manage ourselves. In this short space of time we have proved to be a leading tribute band on the circuit.

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